Thursday, May 23, 2024

I'm Thankful For You...

Welcome blog friends.. Today I am getting colorful, well I guess I always am but this card is screaming with color and I have to say with some of my favorite colors. Just put it all on one card... why not?

Create card from white cardstock A2 size.

This next part, I will explain as best as I can. So, the patterned paper is from the 12x12 Lawn Fawn Really Rainbow papers. It is the part at the bottom that you usually trim off with the same and company on it. They print patterns at the bottom that are different from the paper, so I trimmed all those off and kept them for cards like this. Don't want to waste these fun papers. Adhere them to the card base using liquid glue.  (you can pick any patterned paper) go wild.

Stamp The Stamp Market Sending Bunches of Love stamp set on white cardstock using black ink. Color the image using your favorite medium. You all know I use Copic sketch markers. I tried to match the colors that are in the paper. I did not have the coordinating dies, so I fussy cut around the floral image and then added some foam tape to the back and adhered to the card. 

Splatter a little Copic Opaque mixed with water on your card base and let dry. 

The sentiment is from my TE sentiment pile I have using the Simple Sentiments collection. I have a little box full of these sentiments, which makes it easy to add to cards. I used foam tape on the sentiment. 

Lots of coloring but don't you just love all the color? This was a fun card to create and I hope that you are inspired. 

Thank you so much for stopping by.

Have a blessed day.
I really am thankful for YOU.

1 comment:

Thank you so much for your lovely Comments..
Happy Crafting